Attorneys’ ‘Professional Standards’ Group Pushes Gun Control Over Civil Rights

By Larry Keane How many lawyers does it take to…stop me if you have heard that joke before. Sadly, what the American Bar Association (ABA) has done recently is no laughing matter. Apparently, currying political favor is more important to the ABA than fulfilling its core mission. The ABA recently ramped up its attempts to … Read more

Vedder Holsters Daily Digest: Open Carry is ‘Public Terror,’ the ABA Ditches Due Process and the NRA Scrambles

What would the NYT do without guns to inveigh against? . . . Ban the Open Carry of Firearms Plain and simple, public terror is not protected under the Constitution. That has been the case throughout history. And now is the time to look to that history and prohibit open carry, before the next Charlottesville. … Read more