Allegedly Laundering Expenses Through Ackerman McQueen Could Mean More Legal Jeopardy for NRA Officers

The problematic pass-through arrangement [former Treasurer and CFO, Wilson “Woody”] Phillips is said to have devised involved a public relations company called Ackerman McQueen and one of its subsidiaries, the Mercury Group. From the time LaPierre took over the group’s leadership in the early 1990s until 2018, when Phillips resigned, Ackerman was the NRA’s largest … Read more

MacBride: I’ve Finally Found the Source of the NRA’s Power

Quartz contributor Elizabeth MacBride attended the NRA annual meetings and convention in Indianapolis back in April. It’s apparently taken her nine months to recover from the experience and synthesize her thoughts about the horrors she witnessed there. She seems to have concluded that the source of the NRA’s power isn’t its money or its five … Read more

Wayne LaPierre’s Curious New York Times Interview and What it Probably Means

National Rifle Association Executive Vice President and CEO Wayne LaPierre isn’t someone who seeks out mainstream media attention. Unless it’s following an incident like a mass shooting or pending gun control legislation in Congress that requires a response from the NRA, he’s not one to gab idly with journalists just to get his name and … Read more

Spiraling Scandals Have Made the NRA’s LaPierre Ineffective as Leader

Scandal has plagued the National Rifle Association for months now. Plenty of folks, myself included, think the NRA’s EVP and CEO Wayne LaPierre owns much of the mess. Others believe Mr. LaPierre has saved the organization from ruin, time and time again, including now. Even if LaPierre really has saved the organization in the past, … Read more

District of Columbia AG Subpoenas NRA Foundation Financial Records

Washington D.C. Attorney General Karl Racine, another partisan Democrat, has decided he doesn’t want New York Attorney General Letitia James to have all the fun with the National Rifle Association. The NRA Foundation, a 501(c)(3) organization incorporated in D.C., now finds itself in Racine’s crosshairs. Like his New York counterpart Racine is investigating the non-profit … Read more

Oliver North: Wayne LaPierre and Attorney Brewer Cooked Up Story About a Coup Attempt

As part of the continuing swirl of mismanagement, controversy and recriminations swirling around the National Rifle Association, the NRA sued its former president, Oliver North, accusing him, among other things, of engineering a coup attempt in an effort to bring down NRA EVP and CEO Wayne LaPierre. Yesterday, attorneys for North filed a response to … Read more

EDITORIAL: It’s Time to Defund the NRA

The National Rifle Association — America’s oldest civil rights organization — is in an existential crisis today brought on by mismanagement, cronyism, and self-dealing by its leadership. Every week brings forth a new allegation, a new bit of evidence that the the NRA’s leaders are more interested in lining their own pockets and enjoying the … Read more

Editorial: Was Ackerman McQueen Trying to Save the NRA?

Like many, I’ve watched the drama at the National Rifle Association these past few months. Also, like many People of The Gun, I’m trying to figure out who has the best interests of the NRA and its mission at heart. Given what happened at the NRA annual meeting this year, I can’t help but wonder, … Read more


Earlier today, we noted the announcement that as a result of the Ackerman McQueen breakup, new production of NRATV programming has stopped. On Tuesday, the National Rifle Association ended its relationship with Ackerman, their marketing and PR firm which ran NRATV. In news reports covering the NRATV production work, the reports said that old material … Read more