Why The ACLU is Defending the NRA in the Supreme Court

If you’re on the right side of the political spectrum, you probably don’t think much of the ACLU. After all, they’ve gone to bat for all manner of unpopular individuals including including nazis, satanic churches, and even child molesters. One the most notorious cases that earned them almost universal hate was when they defended NAMBLA … Read more

Red Flag Laws Are Both Dangerous and Un-American

A “bipartisan” group of Senators in Washington supposedly thinks they have an agreement on what a gun control bill would look like following the Uvalde massacre in Texas. Easily the most objectionable aspect of the deal is its promotion of “red flag” confiscation laws in the states. Under such laws, friends, family members, coworkers, law … Read more

THE NATION: There’s No Second Amendment on the South Side of Chicago

I have been close to gun violence my entire life. Growing up on the South Side of Chicago, I’ve seen my classmates carry firearms to keep themselves and their families safe from harm. And I later represented some of those same individuals in court—being prosecuted for firearm possession—when I started work as a public defender. … Read more

Stop the Charade: The ACLU Only Defends the Civil Rights It Likes

By Larry Keane The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) needs to change their name. At this point, it’s just false advertising. The ACLU recently argued that, “anti-Blackness determined the inclusion of the Second Amendment in the Bill of Rights, and has informed the unequal and racist application of gun laws.” That’s plainly arguing that the … Read more

ACLU: The National Rifle Association Has a Right to Exist

The American Civil Liberties Union has never been a friend of gun owners or their rights. It seems that not all enumerated rights are equal — or even exist — in their book. So color us surprised that the national legal director for the ACLU, David Cole, has just published an op-ed in the Wall … Read more

Baltimore Will Use Eyes in the Skies to Monitor Citizens, Fight ‘Gun Violence’

By Regina Garcia Cano, AP Starting Friday, the roughly 600,000 people living in Baltimore will be constantly recorded whenever they step out under the open sky. Marvin L. Cheatham Sr., for one, knows he could be watched as he goes to a doctor’s appointment or visits friends. He’ll be spied upon in his back yard, … Read more

ACLU Drops Suit Against Oklahoma Gun Range That Excluded Muslims

Back in 2016 we wrote about Raja’ee Fatihah, an Army reservist who walked into Save Yourself Survival in Oktaha, Oklahoma and announced that he’s Muslim. Why? Because the range had posted a sign on their door declaring the establishment a Muslim-free zone. He was asked to leave and the American Civil Liberties Union filed suit on … Read more

ACLU: Arming Teachers in Florida ‘Sacrifices Student Safety’

After a shooter was allowed to stroll onto the campus of Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School a year ago and murder 17 people as police remained outside, the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School Public Safety Commission was convened to examine the shooting and what let up to it. According to NPR . . . Several chapters of … Read more

BREAKING: The ACLU Finds a Gun Control Bill It Actually Opposes

The American Civil Liberties Union, aka ACLU, has a long history of thinking the Bill of Rights only has nine amendments.  So imagine the surprise of many when the ACLU rolled out in opposition to a new gun control proposal in Illinois. Support Americans’ Second Amendment rights? Hah! Not the ACLU.  Their Deputy Legal Director … Read more