Houston LEO Negligently Discharges AR-15 in Airport

Only law enforcement should have guns, right? Reported by Chron.com: An AR-15 rifle wielded by a Houston police officer mistakenly fired into the floor at the baggage area of Hobby Airport on Thursday night, according to authorities. The on-duty officer was patrolling the airport when the semi-automatic rifle went off around 8:15 p.m. at the … Read more

Irresponsible Gun Owner Of The Day: Joanne Winding

Photo from Joanne Winding's Facebook page

The importance of securing your firearms from children cannot be overstated. When an unsecured firearm leads to a gunshot injury, it’s usually because one child finds the gun and shoots another. But this disaster can unfold in many terrible ways, and a Georgia toddler recently shot his own mother when he found her loaded handgun . . .

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Irresponsible Gun Owner Of The Day: Terry Thacker [Not Shown]

Courtesy Chris Dumm for The Truth About Guns

Five women were attending the meeting of a home prayer group at a duplex apartment in Marion, Ohio last Thursday when the heavens opened up above them. Technically it was the ceiling that opened up above them, when the upstairs neighbor (not our very own Nick Leghorn, above) negligently fired a load of buckshot through his floor . . .

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