SWATing is a deadly, dangerous prank. Michael Adams, shown here, is charged with reckless endangerment and several other crimes for allegedly SWATing his neighbor in September. The indictment charges that Adams called 911 anonymously on September 16th, 2013 to report a hostage situation at his neighbor’s home. Adams described a man with IED’s strapped to his chest and pointing an AR-15 at him. He was arrested and charged after detectives traced the calls back to him. He’s since been released on $50,000 bail . . .
New York City’s Eric Adams Teams Up With Chicago’s Lori Lightfoot In A Race To The Bottom
It’s generally considered well worthwhile to seek the advice of others with more experience when taking on a new job. By seeking the counsel of an accomplished, recognized authority in a particular field, you can avoid costly mistakes and benefit from the lessons others have already learned. That’s why it’s so baffling that New York … Read more