Is the Tommybuilt T36 a Machinegun or Just Another ATF Regulatory Disaster? [VIDEO]

This Week in Gun Rights is TTAG’s weekly roundup of legal, legislative and other news affecting guns, the gun business and gun owners’ rights.  The Tommybuilt T36: Machinegun or ATF mess? We’ve seen a lot of buzz over the last week over the Tommybuilt T36. All we really have to go on, so far, is … Read more

Welcome to Guntopia Where Firearms Will Decide If and When You Can Use Them

I ran across a new “smart gun” proposal, AI Can Stop Mass Shootings, and More. Yes, these people — three superior intellects who toil away at the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute — are proposing that “ethical” artificial intelligence be built into guns, which would make them really smart guns. Allegedly. While we hope that such [conventional … Read more