A Little Pain, a Lot of Gain: Force-on-Force Personal Defense Training for Civilians

It’s not every day that you get a chance to practice self-defense tactics against opponents who actually shoot back, especially as a civilian. If you get the chance to do it through force-on-force training, grab it. I’ve been training everyday people how to use firearms safely and effectively for nearly twenty years now. I’ve taken … Read more

NYPD Saves The World…With An Airsoft Arrest

America’s law enforcement do face risks everyday.  However, it seems a bit far-fetched to suggest that an airsoft gun or two wielded in a non-threatening manner poses a great danger to anyone. Days ago, the New York Police Department’s 77th Precinct posted a photo of what looks like an impressive array of firearms and hardware.  … Read more

Are 80% Frames, 3D Printing, and the Ghost Gunner Now Obsolete?

The Bakersfield Police Department is reporting that they arrested a felony parolee who was “in possession of an airsoft gun that had been converted to fire .357-caliber ammunition and had six live rounds of live ammunition” One more time…an airsoft handgun…converted to fire .357 ammo. From the police image above, that appears to be this … Read more

ATF: Airsoft Guns Can Easily Be Converted to Machine Guns [VIDEO]

An oldie but a regulatory goodie: ATF agent: “With minimal work (an airsoft gun) can be converted to a machine gun.” That isn’t how it works. That isn’t how any of it works. And you wonder why we have trust issues with you, ATF.

Gun Review: Win Gun M84 Airsoft Pistol

  Here’s a look at a gun that’s a little outside the ordinary here at The Truth About Guns:  the airsoft WG M84, a copy of sorts of the Beretta Model 84. For many years I scoffed at airsoft as a training tool. And then I started taking some force-on-force coursework – reality based training … Read more

SHOT Show 2015: New & Updated From KRISS USA


For 2015, KRISS has made some improvements to its well-known Vector line of .45 ACP carbines, SBRs, pistols, and SMGs. In fact, one of these changes — I won’t taunt the caliber commandos by calling it an improvement — is Vector availability in 9mm and, due to the existing design, the capability to easily switch between 9×19 and .45 ACP. Other changes and improvements are detailed after the jump. Also on display at the KRISS booth aside from SPHINX pistols (SPHINX booth tour video here) were airsoft guns and .22 LRs from KRYTAC, including the War Sport LVOA rifle designs that they recently licensed. These are meant for realistic, but inexpensive training. Just don’t confuse the airsofts and the .22s. . .

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Video: DIY Airsoft Machine Gun For About Twenty Bucks

When was the last airsoft review we posted here at TTAG? Probably about never, which is probably when we’ll run the next one too. But in the interests of sheer ballistic goofiness, I thought I’d pass along this short video showing how to spray airsoft pellets all over the bloody place and have it cost you hardly any money. Except for the pellets. You’re gonna need a lot of those . . .

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NRA Convention: Airsoft Gatling Gun

As I rounded the corner, what do I spy with my little eye? What looked, for all the world, like a Gatling gun. And it was. Ish. It was an Airsoft Gatling gun. You can’t make this stuff up. This company sells all things Airsoft. Name a make/model gun. They’ve got it. God Bless America.