“We have reviewed Maryland gun laws and concluded none of them are so stringent as to violate the Second Amendment.” Say sayeth Raquel Guillory, PR flack for Maryland Attorney General Douglas F. Gansler. Under Maryland law, a resident may receive a handgun permit if he or she “Has, based on the results of investigation, a good and substantial reason to carry a handgun, including a finding that the permit is necessary as a reasonable precaution against apprehended danger.” That’s not good enough for the Second Amendment Foundation (SAF), who’ve filed a lawsuit against MD and its licensing officers for denying Raymond Woollard a handgun permit. The citizen journalists at examiner.com provide the 411 on Mr. Woollard’s case . . .
Fifth Circuit Hands Anti-Gun New Jersey Attorney General a Defeat on 3D Gun File Regulation
By LKB Yesterday, the US Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit delivered a bench slap to hoplophobic New Jersey Attorney General Gurbir Grewal and his campaign to shut down Austin-based Defense Distributed‘s distribution of design files for 3D printed firearms. To understand what this means, a little history is helpful . . . In … Read more