Sparks Fly at House Judiciary Committee Hearing on ATF Gun Regulation

There were fireworks at a Congressional hearing covering a critical topic not just to the firearm industry and Second Amendment supporters, but to all Americans. It wasn’t entirely unexpected. The U.S. House Subcommittee on Crime and Federal Government Surveillance’s hearing titled, “ATF’s Assault on the Second Amendment: When is Enough Enough?” posed a simple question. Who writes … Read more

Feinstein: We Have to Outlaw Pistol Braces Because They Increase Accuracy

Senator Diane Feinstein’s proposed new “assault weapons” ban goes much farther than any of her previous efforts at civilian disarmament. She and her co-sponsors, Connecticut Senators Richard “Saigon” Blumenthal and Chris Murphy, have authored a bill that outlaws more than 200 specific firearms, and bans the manufacture, sale, transfer or import of standard capacity magazines … Read more