Father of Murdered Reporter Organizes Protest of Ted Nugent’s Roanoke Concert

You may remember Alison Parker who was murdered, along with her cameraman, Adam Ward, as she conducted a live TV interview in Virginia in 2015. Since then Parker’s father, Andy Parker, has been a staunch gun control advocate. This week, with Ted Nugent’s show getting ready to roll into Roanoke for a concert, Parker has … Read more

VA TV Anchor Whose Girlfriend Was Shot on Live TV Upsets Republican Incumbent for House Seat

“A former TV anchor whose girlfriend [Alison Parker, above left] was fatally shot on-air has claimed a stunning victory over a three-term incumbent state delegate in a rural Virginia election,” usatoday.com reports. “Chris Hurst, 30, supported stricter gun safety measures, but centered his campaign around other issues including an expansion of Medicaid and increased funding for schools. … Read more