There Are Things We Can Do to Prevent Mass Shootings and Make Them Less Deadly

By Rob Morse What can be done to stop more mass murderers in the United States? That question comes to mind since President Biden recently claimed we need to massively disarm honest US citizens in order to stop mass shootings. Instead of accepting the President’s words at face value, I looked at what the experts … Read more

Boot: The Republican Gun Cult Is What’s Infected America’s Culture

[A]s if denying that heavy rain causes flooding, Republicans continue to insist that the prevalence of guns has nothing do with the prevalence of shootings. They blame doors, video games, mental illness, “emasculated” men, family breakdown, demons, the lack of prayer in schools, Ritalin, antidepressants, social media, social isolation — anything and everything except the … Read more

Prof’s Prescription for Preventing Mass Shootings: All the Usual Gun ‘Reforms’ Plus Better Journalism

Covid-19 is not gone, of course (and neither, technically, is Trump), but both are no longer the only storylines Americans care about. And with the return of mass shootings returns the question that plagued America before the pandemic. How do we prevent these utterly horrific scenes from repeating? On the policy front, we must once again … Read more

Perspective: Mass Shootings Are Neither More Frequent or More Deadly in America

By Miguel A. Faria, Jr., M.D. Mass shootings are a heinous crime, and for the victims and the rest of the population, a tragedy. That should not detract from the fact that many, if not most, of the culprits are deranged malcontents, who in many ways are aberrant products of the times in which we live. Nor … Read more

American Expat Terrified Of Coming Home. Because Guns.

Kate Lewis is an expat who’s been living with her family in Japan for the last two years for her husband’s job. But now they’ll be coming home to America soon and she’s realized something. I never really knew that I had a day-to-day fear I carried in my heart living in America until we … Read more