Illuminator? I just met her! And there’s your trouble. For an explanation of one of the main dangers of using a snout-mounted light on your handgun, let us turn to page 2, point 5 of Insight’s manual for its M3 Tactical Illuminator, under the main heading WARNINGS. “Once the M3 TI is attached to a firearm, the firearm will be pointed at anything that the M3 TI is directed at. Do not point the M3 TI at anything or anyone that you do not intend to shoot.” So how do you search for a perp in a darkened space that might contain friendlies (e.g. your children) without pointing the light and, thus, the gun at them? The manual has a theory—and we have some video of the light in action—after the jump . . .
American Firearms School
Trigger Comparo: Ruger SR9c, Springfield XD(m), Glock 30
So I was schmoozing with Wayne down at the American Firearms School this evening. When I opined that the Ruger SR9c’s trigger felt totally different from the go-pedal on Ye Olde full-size Ruger 9mm, he fished-out the rental SR9 from AFS’s ballistic trolley. Yup. Ruger’s boffins have given the SR9’s trigger a desquidgyectomy. We decided to … Read more
UPDATE: Remington UMC vs. Ruger SR9c – Are We There Yet?
I’ve just returned from the American Firearms School, where I fed our test and evaluation Ruger SR9c something other than 115-grain Remington UMC bullets. In specific, I shot ten rounds-plus from each of the five boxes above: Vollmantel, Independence (a soft-shooting budget brand that produces some big-ass muzzle flash), TulAmmo, American Eagle and Winchester White Box. Hakuna mutata. Means no worries, for the rest of my life. I hope. Meanwhile . . .
How To Tell If Your Smith & Wesson is Out of Alignment
Also a top-notch demonstration on why you should NEVER get your supporting hand ANYWHERE NEAR the front of a revolver.
Gun Review: ArmaLite AR 24-15C
Back in the day, stoners contemplated life’s mysteries from a tetrahydrocannabinol-enhanced perspective. So enabled, they’d confront cosmic karma with a simple statement: “that’s heavy.” Heavy was deep. Heavy was good. Even when it wasn’t. “Dude, your landlord’s here to throw you out.” “Whoa. That’s heavy.” Heavy was important. And then Japanese products invaded the America. Suddenly, small was beautiful. The Sony Walkman was infinitely better than the ‘rents entertainment center and the Honda Accord could run circles around a Buick. But something important was lost. Stuff became insubstantial. Cheap. Disposable. I first experienced the unbearable lightness of being when the computer guy threw out my Apple II’s motherboard, shoved in another one and called it good. Thank God for the AR 24-15C. In a world of cheap plastic guns (now including revolvers), it’s heavy, man.
Gun Review: Henry Repeating Arms Golden Boy
Don’t tell my kids, but I toured Europe on a BMW K100RT motorcycle. The “flying brick” was utterly reliably and Germanically comfortable (tough yet firm). When I returned to base, I looked for something suitable for intra-automobile London commuting AND long-distance tours. I bought a series of motorcycles, from extreme sports machines to urban two-strokes. They were all great bikes, fondly remembered. None lasted more than six months. And then I bought a Harley Davidson Fat Boy. It was slow, loud, ill-mannered, unreliable and woefully lacking in the braking department. And it was the best donorcycle I ever owned. That two-wheeled dinosaur had charisma. Charm. Personality. Presence. It even had nickname. Ditto the Henry Repeating Arms Golden Boy, or, as my family has come to call it, Franny.