Shooting Ranges Should Try To Stay Out Of The Culture Wars

There are many different ways to have a birthday party. Some people like the traditional cake and a song. Others like to meet friends at a bar, or go to a park. But, I’d imagine that heading to the shooting range for fun and some skill improvement would be a popular option among many readers … Read more

Atlas: Today’s American Gun Culture is a Result of Mythologizing and Marketing the Old West

By Pierre M. Atlas, Indiana University In the wake of the Buffalo and Uvalde mass shootings, 70% of Republicans said it is more important to protect gun rights than to control gun violence, while 92% of Democrats and 54% of independents expressed the opposite view. Just weeks after those mass shootings, Republicans and gun rights … Read more

Boot: The Republican Gun Cult Is What’s Infected America’s Culture

[A]s if denying that heavy rain causes flooding, Republicans continue to insist that the prevalence of guns has nothing do with the prevalence of shootings. They blame doors, video games, mental illness, “emasculated” men, family breakdown, demons, the lack of prayer in schools, Ritalin, antidepressants, social media, social isolation — anything and everything except the … Read more

Fernandez: An Armed America Caused My Anxiety, Isolation, Impotence, and Directionless Rage

  The “armed, self-reliant citizen” has meanwhile become ever more so, especially as various states have enacted ingenious laws allowing residents to carry handguns with no permit or training. As of 2017, there were already “more guns than people” in the US, the Washington Post reported, citing a study according to which there were an … Read more

Sorry, Civilian Disarmament Advocates, but Guns Aren’t Going Away in America. Ever

  There’s no reason that guns will become less important (in American culture) than they’ve been historically because the same things that motivated gun ownership, again, from the seventeenth century all the way until today, are likely to remain in place. Which is, again, social uncertainty, social unrest, and the problems guns help people to … Read more

Kautzer: The Heller Decision and The NRA Are Part of a Campaign to Legitimize Far-Right Vigilantism

The Heller decision fueled the growth of a kind of homegrown authoritarianism that understands “militia” to include self-appointed “patriots” with the sovereign power to take life not in defense of self or law, but in support of a particular social or racial order. Despite the majority decision in Heller explicitly stating that the individual right recognized is “unconnected with … Read more

Gun Controllers Fail Because They Don’t Understand America’s Geographical and Cultural Ties to Fiearms

By Cain Pence The anti-gun Biden administration and a seemingly never-ending spate of mass shootings have resulted in renewed calls for gun control. Like so many previous failed efforts, attempts to increase restrictions on civilian gun ownership are doomed to failure. One reason for this is that proponents of increased regulations and gun control laws … Read more

When the Gun Culture Embraces the Cancel Culture

By Bob Kingsley Last April, the gun club I had been a member of for 20 years closed abruptly after having a panic attack related to the Covid-19 virus. The club had a 24/7 access system and members could use the facility whenever it was convenient. While it would have been understandable to cancel group … Read more

Szeliga: There’s Nothing Scary or Violent About Americans’ Increased Appetite for Gun Ownership

  Today’s gun buyer understands the serious responsibility as they lawfully take ownership of their firearms and exercise their right to keep and bear arms and provide self-defense. As a state and nation, we celebrate Americans exercising our God-given rights. We cherish our First Amendment freedoms. We hold free speech and our right to protest … Read more