While More Americans are Armed, Don’t Expect That to Affect the Parties’ Stances on Guns

By Rob Morse Our society is changing and those changes have resulted in many of us choosing to buy a firearm. We see crime rising around us. We notice that criminals are no longer routinely caught by police or prosecuted in the courts. The response is entirely predictable. We make decisions like considering a move … Read more

Carjacked Congressman is a Perfect Illustration of Why More Americans are Becoming Gun Owners

Rep. Henry Cuellar (D-TX) briefly recounted his experience being carjacked in Washington, DC’s Navy Yard neighborhood. He said there were three assailants with guns who stole his car, and he said the incident was proof there should be better support for law enforcement. pic.twitter.com/ZXLYpyAh3Z — CSPAN (@cspan) October 3, 2023 In a popular up-and-coming area … Read more

Voting With Their Wallets: Americans Aren’t Buying Biden’s Gun Control Agenda

By Larry Keane Americans are sending a message of their own, despite President Joe Biden’s continued push to restrict their Second Amendment rights. They are choosing to protect themselves. Two key markers demonstrate Americans in 2021 are voting with their wallets and politicians would be wise to take note. Gun sales continue at elevated levels … Read more

Americans’ Pre-Election Gun Buying Binge Helps Ruger’s Profit Jump Over 500%

Sturm, Ruger’s revenue was up 53% in its most recent fiscal quarter and earnings jumped more than 500%. It seems that Americans are well aware of societal factors making everyday life less safe and are extremely eager to ensure they’re well equipped to protect themselves and their families. Rommel Dionisio, gun industry analyst for Aegis … Read more

The Best Barometer of How the Election Will Go in November is Gun Sales

From day one of the violence in Seattle and Portland, President Trump offered federal help but those cities’ mayors and each of the others whose cities were being ravaged declined his offer.  As a result, half of all black-owned businesses in the affected cities have been destroyed by the rioting or lost to the lockdown. It … Read more

Big Surprise: American Continue to Arm Themselves as Black Lives Matter Agenda Takes Hold

This past week, I was having dinner with a couple of friends. As we were discussing the current situation, one, who is a world-renowned orthopedic surgeon, mentioned that he had just bought his first gun — he is 86 years old. Another friend at the dinner, who is a well-regarded attorney and former senior government … Read more

Gun Stores Jammed Across the Country After Days of Riots, Looting

Americans have been buying firearms at a record pace since the beginning of the coronavirus national emergency. Approximately five million were sold through first five months of 2020 alone. Now that Americans have watched days of riots and looting across the country with little or no pushback from law enforcement in many areas, they’re headed … Read more

Another Record Month: 1.8 Million Guns Sold in April, Up 71% Over 2019

The bad news for America’s gun control community just keeps on coming. After sales skyrocketed to almost 2.6 million firearms in March, April’s total was 1.8 million units, a 71% increase over the year-ago total. From Small Arms Analytics & Forecasting: Small Arms Analytics & Forecasting (SAAF) estimates April 2020 U.S. firearms unit sales at … Read more

‘People’ Promotes Everytown’s PSA for America’s New Gun Owners [VIDEO]

With Michael Bloomberg footing their bill, you wouldn’t think that Everytown for Gun Safety would need free media support like the gun control boosters at People Magazine are providing here. Then again, Mayor Mike just dropped a huge stack of cash on a ridiculous vanity project, so he may not be in the mood to fully … Read more