Gun Grabbers Search for a Silver Lining Amidst a Pandemic and a Historic Gun Buying Boom

“We need to understand that nobody has a crystal ball right now. There are not a lot of people who have a lot of confidence about the way things are going to shape up,” says Peter Ambler, the executive director of Giffords’s gun-safety organization. Squinting for a silver lining in the crisis, he told me … Read more

NSSF’s Joe Bartozzi and USCCA’s Tim Schmidt on America’s New Gun Owners

Fromt the NSSF . . . NSSF President and CEO Joe Bartozzi joined USCCA President and Founder Tim Schmidt for a YouTube webcast talking about the phenomenon of the spike in firearm purchases during the coronavirus pandemic. NSSF released the adjusted National Instant Criminal Background Check figures and March 2020 topped the record for the … Read more

Welcome All the New Gun Owners Who Are Now Buying Firearms…But . . .

By Theresa Inacker People desperate to make a first time gun purchase are learning that it is not so easy. They are realizing that the anti-rights cadre, like Moms Demand Action and Everytown for Gun Safety, have been spewing dangerous lies, which might very well have deadly consequences. There is a sense of insecurity bubbling … Read more

Here’s the Ammunition Americans Have Been Buying Most During Ammogeddon II

With Americans clamoring for all of the ammunition they can get their hands on, the folks at have been busy. The sales surge started well before the declaration of a national emergency, but it’s accelerated since. They’ve toted up some interesting statistics showing the magnitude of the sales spike they’re seeing so far in … Read more