Ammo Background Checks Back on in People’s Republic of California

“Well, screw me!” every gun owner in California collectively said at the news U.S. District Judge Roger Benitez’s ruling just last week had been stayed by a higher court panel. Benitez had ruled that the state’s requirement people get background checks for each ammo purchase was unconstitutional. Of course, the court panel that issued the … Read more

Federal Court Judges Strike Down California’s Ammo Background Check Law, NY Ban on Guns in Public Housing

When the US Supreme Court handed down the Brown v. Board of Education decision in 1954, it was met with no shortage of resistance among those who favored segregation of America’s schools and other public accommodations.  It took a couple of years before judges across America realized that they couldn’t side-step the ruling despite the … Read more

Bill Would Mandate California-Style Ammunition Background Checks in Florida

In Florida, you can’t legally own or have a firearm if you’ve been convicted of a felony, if you’re under a domestic violence restraining order, or if you’re deemed a “violent career criminal.” You also can’t legally own or have a firearm if you’re the subject of an extreme risk protection order under the state’s … Read more

Ninth Circuit Grants Emergency Stay, California Ammunition Background Check Law Back In Force

BREAKING: Rhode v Becerra (9th Circuit): The request for an immediate administrative stay is granted. The district court’s 4/23/20 preliminary injunction order is temporarily stayed pending further court order. The court will address the emergency stay motion by separate order. — Rob (@2Aupdates) April 25, 2020 The California judiciary giveth and the California judiciary … Read more

Gun Grabbers Rejoice as California Blocks Tens of Thousands of Lawful Ammunition Sales

By Ryan Frasor “Working as intended.” That’s how an attorney with the Gifford’s Law Center described Proposition 63, California’s cockamamie ammunition background check system which, in less than six months, has denied over 60,000 Californians their right to purchase ammunition. That equates to approximately 20% of all ammunition sales being rejected by the California Department … Read more

California Ammunition Purchaser Background Checks Start Tomorrow

Starting tomorrow, anyone buying ammunition in California will have to undergo a background check. “We’ve had a few people who have purchased in excess of 10,000 rounds,” he said. “That’s a lot for one person.” Ammo sales have also tripled in the past week compared with a normal week at West Coast Ammo in Temecula, … Read more

Wasserman Schultz Pushes Ammo Background Check Named for Parkland Victim Who Wouldn’t Have Been Saved By It

By now, it’s been widely and conclusively established that the Parkland shooting was an epic failure of everyone involved in every level of government. Whether it was the Broward Schools, the Marjory Stoneman Douglas administration and security staff, the school resource officer, the Broward County Sheriff, or the FBI, every one of them failed to … Read more