Court Rules CA Ammo Background Checks Unconstitutional

In yet another victory for California’s beleaguered gun owners, a federal court has struck down the state law requiring in-person background checks for each purchase of standard ammunition. In the case Rhode v. Bonta, Judge Robert Benitez of the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of California ruled on Jan. 31 that the restriction … Read more

28 Pro-Freedom Attorneys General Push Back Against Stopping Civilian Sales of Surplus Lake City 5.56 Ammo

A couple of weeks ago, about 20 anti-freedom state attorneys general led by Letitia James from New York petitioned Joe Biden’s administration to stop the sales of surplus 5.56mm ammo from the Lake City Army Ammunition plant.  Each of those statist AG’s tried to score virtue signaling points with their hard-left constituents with the political … Read more

SHOT Show 2024: Federal Flitecontrol in 20 Gauge

My favorite defensive shotgun load is the Federal Flitecontrol buckshot. It produces the tightest pattern possible with a shotgun. In a home defense scenario, a tight pattern ensures your buckshot goes right where you want it to go without a random pellet possibly hurting a loved one. Outside of home defense, the round also offers … Read more

Kansas Lawmakers Push To Strengthen 2A Rights

While legislators in many states are waging an all-out assault on their citizens’ right to keep and bear arms, Kansas lawmakers are working to bolster those rights. House Concurrent Resolution 5020, currently under consideration in a state House committee, would amend the Kansas State Constitution to expand coverage of the state’s already strong right to … Read more

Would You Trust Frangible Ammunition in Your EDC Gun?

Retired U.S. Army Airborne Ranger Paul Lemke founded the company now known as Inceptor Ammunition in 2012. Lemke’s goal was to create innovative frangible ammunition with a twist to differentiate their products from the then-current industry offerings. The majority of frangible ammunition companies today use a sintered copper-tin combination in their bullets, but Inceptors are … Read more

Shotgun Mini Shells: A Shotgunner on Their Advantages, Drawbacks and Best Uses

I love shotguns. I always have and I come from a family who used shotguns for hunting deer, shooting birds, and defending the homestead. In the Marines, I was one of the few Marines issued a Mossberg because I could not only use, but teach the shotgun. To me, shotguns are constant experiments in ammunition, … Read more

Is Old Ammunition Safe to Shoot?

As a longtime firearms instructor and head of a gun rights group, people ask me all sorts of questions. All questions have merit, especially for people who are new to guns. Among these questions, folks will ask about the safety of shooting old ammunition. I tell them that in general, old factory-loaded ammunition should be … Read more

SHOT Show: Number 1 FLITECONTROL Ain’t Coming Back…Yet

Prior to SHOT Show 2023, Federal issued a press release detailing a number of new cartridges being produced. Alongside several sat two new loads of Number 1 buckshot. These No. 1 loads were in the premium line of Federal ammo, and for many shotgun nerds, this meant the possibility of the return of No. 1 … Read more