The Nickel-and-Diming of Gun Owners in California

Make no mistake: California’s politicians are rabidly anti-Second Amendment. They will attempt any and every gun control policy on law-abiding Americans no matter how absurd or unconstitutional. California’s Gov. Gavin Newsom set the stages for a national political run at some point by launching a dead-end effort to adopt a new Constitutional Amendment to do away with the … Read more

Bonta-flation: Cali AG Wants to Jack Up Ammo “Background” Check Fee from $1 to $5

Give an inch, and they’ll take a mile. A slippery slope. Death by a thousand cuts. By whatever name you call it, Democrats in California have mastered the art of chipping away at constitutional rights. That’s what’s taking place right now in the Golden State where last week, Attorney General Rob Bonta announced the state … Read more

Potential Sale of U.S. Ammo Maker Sparks National-Security Concerns

The Wall Street Journal is reporting that the proposed $1.91 billion sale of Minnesota-based Vista Outdoor’s ammunition business to Czech company Czechoslovak Group (CSG) has sparked national-security concerns among U.S. lawmakers. Vista is the owner of multiple ammunition companies such as Federal, Remington and CCI and highlights worries about allowing foreign control in a critical … Read more

Paradise Lost: Another American Arrested in Turks and Caicos for Ammo in Bag

Another American tourist was arrested at Howard Hamilton International Airport in Turks and Caicos on Monday after ammunition was allegedly found in their luggage during a routine security check, according to the Royal Turks and Caicos Islands Police and Breitbart. This latest arrest brings the total number of Americans facing charges for ammunition possession in … Read more

Firearms Industry Surpasses $17 Billion in Pittman-Robertson Excise Tax Contributions to Conservation

Firearms and ammunition manufacturers have topped $17 billion in excise tax contributions to the Wildlife Restoration Trust Fund since its inception in 1937, the NSSF reported. When adjusted for inflation, the total is more than $27.38 billion. The latest Firearms and Ammunition Excise Tax (FAET) Collection report released by the Department of the Treasury, covering … Read more

TRAVEL ADVISORY: Paradise Lost, Avoid Turks and Caicos

The Second Amendment Foundation offers this warning to all U.S. gun owners: Do Not Travel to the Turks and Caicos Islands, a British Overseas Territory located southeast of the Bahamas. And if you have already made plans, reconsider your destination. SUMMARY: Since November 2022, at least eight American tourists have faced “firearms prosecutions” for inadvertently … Read more

The One Tax Most Gun Owners Don’t Mind Paying

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service recently announced that the agency was distributing $1.3 billion to the states to fund wildlife conservation, public land access, recreational shooting range construction and improvement and hunter education. That’s a figure that firearm and ammunition manufacturers are proud of – especially since this industry paid the overwhelming majority of those funds … Read more

28 Pro-Freedom Attorneys General Push Back Against Stopping Civilian Sales of Surplus Lake City 5.56 Ammo

A couple of weeks ago, about 20 anti-freedom state attorneys general led by Letitia James from New York petitioned Joe Biden’s administration to stop the sales of surplus 5.56mm ammo from the Lake City Army Ammunition plant.  Each of those statist AG’s tried to score virtue signaling points with their hard-left constituents with the political … Read more

Kansas Lawmakers Push To Strengthen 2A Rights

While legislators in many states are waging an all-out assault on their citizens’ right to keep and bear arms, Kansas lawmakers are working to bolster those rights. House Concurrent Resolution 5020, currently under consideration in a state House committee, would amend the Kansas State Constitution to expand coverage of the state’s already strong right to … Read more