‘Experts’: ACB on the Supreme Court is an Existential Threat to California’s Gun Control Laws

“There are challenges on California’s gun laws bubbling through the federal courts, which makes it possible but not likely we see a case this term,” said UCLA Law Professor Adam Winkler, who specializes in constitutional law and the Second Amendment. “But it won’t be long before the court finally takes another gun case.” And when … Read more

BREAKING: Senate Votes to Confirm Amy Coney Barrett as Associate Justice of the Supreme Court

It is done. Judge Amy Coney Barrett is now Justice Amy Coney Barrett…well, she will be shortly once she’s sworn in by, heh, Justice Clarence Thomas in a White House ceremony. The World’s Greatest Deliberative Body™, the US Senate, just voted to confirm her by a vote of 52-48. Maine’s Susan Collins was the only … Read more

Cotton: Barrett Must Be Confirmed to Preserve Second Amendment Rights

But then a strange thing happened. Right after issuing the most consequential ruling for gun rights in decades [Heller], the Supreme Court went dark on the issue. The Court has failed to clarify what it means for gun ownership to be an individual right. In fact, it hasn’t issued a ruling on guns in more … Read more

It’s Not Amy Coney Barrett That Gun-Grabbers Fear, It’s the Law

By Larry Keane Foes against U.S. Supreme Court nominee Judge Amy Coney Barrett lined up this week to disparage only the fifth woman nominated to the nation’s highest court. The test balloons have been floated, including attacks on her faith, her family and now, predictably, her view on gun rights. Her foes don’t fear Judge … Read more

Amy Coney Barrett: I Own a Gun…and Non-Violent Felons Still Have Second Amendment Rights

The ritual hazing of Supreme Court nominee Judge Amy Coney Barrett continues today and this afternoon it featured her defense of an opinion she wrote in the case of Kanter v. Barr. Judge Barrett’s take was that non-violent felons (this one was convicted of mail fraud) do not forfeit their right to armed self defense … Read more

Senate Dems Never Intended to Give Trump’s Supreme Court Nominee a Fair Hearing

By Larry Keane Judge Amy Coney Barrett’s nomination to the U.S. Supreme Court has undoubtedly moved the idea of the nation’s top court operating as an originalist judiciary from a conservative dream to an anticipated reality. A court where the majority interprets the law as written, as opposed to legislating from the bench, has massive … Read more

The Scariest Part of a Supreme Court with a Justice Barrett is the Threat to Gun Control

Michael Bloomberg’s anti-gun agitprop generation outlet, The Trace, is frightfully concerned about the prospect of Judge Amy Coney Barrett taking what they refer to as Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s seat on the high court. Their biggest worry is that a Justice Barrett would adhere too closely to the text, history and tradition of the Constitution for … Read more

Judge Barrett Was the Right Choice. Now the Battle Begins

From the National Shooting Sports Foundation President Donald Trump’s nomination of Judge Amy Coney Barrett is again delivering on his promise to return the judiciary to jurists who will faithfully interpret law as it is written. The president delivered on his original campaign promise to nominate justices to the U.S. Supreme Court “in the mold of Justice … Read more

Barrett: Nonviolent Offenders Should Not Lose Their Second Amendment Rights

The categorical ban on gun possession by people with felony records is therefore “wildly overinclusive,” Barrett noted, quoting UCLA law professor Adam Winkler. “It includes everything from Kanter’s offense, mail fraud, to selling pigs without a license in Massachusetts, redeeming large quantities of out-of-state bottle deposits in Michigan, and countless other state and federal offenses,” she … Read more