Swearer: America Has a Mental Health Infrastructure Problem, Not a Gun Problem

We have a very real national crisis of disillusioned young men who are increasingly alienated from society, overly connected to the internet, and full of anger. They are too easily pulled into extremism and too often turn to violence as an outlet. We have a local, state, and national mental health infrastructure that is, to … Read more

Top Shot’s Chris Cheng Defends Second Amendment Rights in Senate Gun Control Hearing Testimony

By Larry Keane Chris Cheng outperformed competitors to win History Channel’s Top Shot championship, but his best performance yet may have been on Capitol Hill defending gun rights this week. The U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee held a hearing titled, “Constitutional and Common Sense Steps to Reduce Gun Violence.” In the wake of the tragic murders in … Read more

Don’t Exploit the COVID-19 Emergency to Push the Anti-Gun TAPS Act

By Ryan Frasor As liberty minded Americans, the focus of our fight must always be on protecting the God-given rights of the individual. Now more than ever we must be on alert for the bad actors who would gladly use the timing of a coronavirus pandemic as an excuse to give the government more power … Read more

Swearer: TAPS Act Surveillance is the Best Way to Avoid More Gun Control Laws

The TAPS Act was a bill that was written last year following mass shootings in El Paso and Dayton. As the Firearms Policy Coalition describes it, the goal of the bill is to develop a national strategy for behavioral threat assessment techniques for state and local authorities. It would also “build databases of information on … Read more

There’s No Such Thing as a ‘Good Red Flag Law’

By Ryan Frasor On September 28, 2019, The Daily Signal published an article written by Amy Swearer of the Heritage Foundation describing a hypothetical version of a “Red Flag” gun confiscation law that would be acceptable to gun owners. The article argues that if such a law incorporated “meaningful” due process and “safeguards against abuse … Read more

The Ignorance Displayed by Gun Control Advocates About Firearms and ‘Gun Violence’ is Astounding

Defensive gun uses outnumber annual firearms-related deaths by a factor of anywhere from to 15 to 80 times. That means Americans use guns to prevent burglaries, robberies, assaults, rapes, and murders far more often than people die in incidents involving guns. And yet gun control advocates work tirelessly to restrict gun rights and reduce the … Read more

The Problem Isn’t a Lack of Gun Laws, It’s a Lack of Enforcing The Ones We Have – Quote of the Day

“Laws have the power to disarm law-abiding citizens who would obey those laws. They have no power to prevent an irresponsible parent from re-arming his son with the very guns he agreed to keep inaccessible, and from failing to inform law enforcement that an individual proven to be a danger to himself or others now … Read more