Road Rager Blocks Other Driver, Reaches Inside The Car, And Is Shot Dead [VIDEO]

Someone with anger management problems who reaches inside someone’s car after blocking them on the road is liable to get their ticket punched. That’s exactly happened to a plumber named Scott Mattison last week in a Chicago suburb. Mattison suffered a road rage episode in Streamwood, Illinois. He stopped his truck, and verbally berated another … Read more

TTAG Daily Digest – Moms Demand Legislation, Anger Management and the Dream of Firearm Registration

May they know the same amount of success in these efforts as they have in trying to push gun control . . . Moms who became gun control activists are now running for office Gustafson, who lives in Ankeny, Iowa, on the outskirts of Des Moines, says the qualities that come with being a mother – … Read more