Coulter: Democrats’ Zero Bail and Decarceration Policies Have Brought ‘Death Wish’ Back to the Big Apple

🚨WANTED🚨for a Robbery in front of 353 East 151 Street #melrose #bronx On 8/15/22 @ 2:37 AM Reward up to $3500 Seen them? Know who they are? Call 1-800-577-TIPS or DM us! Calls are CONFIDENTIAL! #yourcityyourcall — NYPD Crime Stoppers (@NYPDTips) August 25, 2022 For nearly two years, every morning I’d wake up thinking, … Read more

What If School Walkouts Don’t Stop School Shootings? – Quote of the Day

“It’s seems like it’s been awhile since we’ve heard of a crazed gunman being quickly disarmed at a school. Maybe because we’ve been trying to stop mass shootings with gun-free school zones. … We can try the walkouts, rallies, moments of silence, media adulation, poems and fist salutes. But if the full arsenal of liberal disapprobation … Read more

We ♥ Ann Coulter. Ann Coulter ♥ Guns!

The beauteous Ann Coulter. Legal eagle. Commentator. Stye in the eye of Liberals and Progressives everywhere. The woman voted Most Likely to Tick off a Democrat. What’s not to love? Coulter calls ’em like she sees them, and she does it with a sharp wit and a sharper tongue. Her books are instant best sellers. And she’s an articulate, feisty debater for common sense and right. And did I mention, she’s hot? In short, when Annie’s around, Liberal sacred cows are in season. In more ways that one, actually. Coulter pens a weekly syndicated column available online at This week’s missive: Annie Gets Her Guns and turns her ire on the insanity of gun “control” . . .

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