The Big Dollar, Dark Money Contributions That Fund March For Our Lives

March For Our Lives holds itself up as a grassroots gun control org, much like Moms Demand Action. And just like the Moms, the (supposedly) student-led March For Our Lives organization gets their funding not from the little people, but from a group of big dollar donors. While the NRA and other gun rights orgs … Read more

Women Gun Rights Activists are the ‘Anti-Watts’

Moms Demand Action is good at a few things. They’re good at selling their brand and getting lots of media attention (just check out how they first gained momentum). They’re also good at lobbying in state capitals, like their upcoming Virginia lobby day on 1/8/20. Those red-shirted women make for good photo ops and MDA … Read more

Parkland Kids Propose More US Gun Control Including an Assault Weapons Ban and Gun Owner Licensing

The post-Parkland March For Our Lives operation is a phony grassroots movement. It’s actually an Astroturfed effort organized and orchestrated by group of experienced gun control and PR veterans (meet them all here). But in all of the media accounts of the kids’ hijinks, all you hear about are those plucky survivors who just want … Read more

TTAG Daily Digest: Deep-Rooted Astroturf, The Gun Debate is Over and Shutting Down High School Ranges

How the Parkland students pulled off a massive national protest in only 5 weeks – The Parkland students didn’t do it. The civilian disarmament industrial complex did. That’s commonly known as Astroturf . . . As #NeverAgain supporters set their sights on the Washington rally, partner organizations stepped up. Giffords, the gun safety advocacy group … Read more