California Bill Would Mandate Banking Discrimination Against Gun Manufacturers

Never underestimate the ability of California lawmakers to embrace the wildest ideas when it comes to eliminating gun rights. Other states are pushing back on “woke” banking discrimination. Not California. There’s an effort there to require it. State Sen. Dave Min introduced SB 637, which requires that California’s public finances cease business with any banks or … Read more

CEO of Union-Owned Amalgamated Bank Touts Her Plans for Backdoor Gun Purchase Tracking at NY Times Conference

A New York Times conference featured a bank CEO pushing the financial industry to track Americans making purchases at retailers and monitor their “suspicious activity” under the guise of “reducing gun violence.” Amalgamated Bank CEO Priscilla Sims Brown was the special guest at the Times’ DealBook confab and was interviewed by Andrew Ross Sorkin. He’s the Times’ columnist who previously proposed the gun … Read more

Arizona House Passes Bill Banning State From Contracting With Firms That Discriminate Against Gun Industry Firms

From the AP . . . The Arizona House voted Wednesday to penalize businesses that refuse to do business with firearms companies by barring them from state contracts. The proposal that passed with only support from majority Republicans drew strong opposition from the banking industry but backing from gun groups and the firearms industry. The … Read more

Citigroup Says It’s Changed Its Anti-Gun Policies, Wants to Resume Public Finance Business in Texas

The state’s law targeted Wall Street banks for wading into the debate over guns in the U.S. Bank of America Corp., JPMorgan Chase & Co. and Goldman Sachs Group Inc. also haven’t underwritten munis sold by the state and its cities, schools, and transit agencies since the legislation took effect. Bank of America and Citigroup … Read more

ND Sen. Cramer: Banks That Discriminate Against Gun Makers Should Lose FDIC Insurance

What [the Fair Access to Banking Act] would do is it would prohibit banks from creating categorical exclusions, industries, entire industries; the firearms industry, fossil fuel, carbon industries, private prisons. Industries that the banks — many banks, large banks — have categorically stated they’re not going to support in the future.  And these are legal … Read more

It’s the Big Banks vs. Gun Owners [VIDEO]

  This Week in Gun Rights is TTAG’s weekly roundup of legal, legislative and other news affecting guns, the gun business and gun owners’ rights.  Big banks push back against fair access to financial services There was a rule proposed by the Office of the Comptroller of Currency recently that would prevent big banks from … Read more

Comptroller of the Currency’s Proposed Rule Would End Anti-Gun Banking Discrimination

By Larry Keane The days of corporate banking overlords forcing discriminatory policies on lawful industries is, hopefully, coming to an end. The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency released a proposed rule that would end the practice of unaccountable banking executives denying firearm industry businesses banking services to force gun control even as they … Read more

Two Antitrust Democrats OK Taking Money From Big Banks Working Against the Firearms Industry

By Larry Keane Any other year, taking money from an industry that’s conducting barred activity would be called corruption. Not in election years, though, and not when it comes to banks and guns. Congressional Democrats are holding a fundraiser Aug. 24 for Democratic nominee Joe Biden that’s headlined, “Virtual Conversation on the Future of Antitrust,” … Read more