Bloomberg-Backed Anti-Gun Agitprop Site Uses Frequently Debunked Database to Claim ARs are a Bad Choice for Self-Defense

By Lee Williams  When the hoplophobic paste-eaters at Michael Bloomberg’s anti-gun agitprop factory, known as the Trace, team up with the stodgy window-lickers at the Gun Violence Archive to produce a story questioning the utility of the AR platform as a modern self-defense tool, it’s hard not to get too excited.  It’s like watching two … Read more

FPC to YouTube: Ignore Gun-Grabbing Senators’ Plea to Censor ‘Ghost Gun’ Content

From the Firearms Policy Coalition . . . Firearms Policy Coalition (FPC) issued the following statement in response to the February 14, 2022 letter from Senators Richard Blumenthal (D-CT), Robert Menendez (D-NJ), Christopher Murphy (D-CT), Cory Booker (D-NJ), and Edward Markey (D-MA) to YouTube’s CEO, Susan Wojcicki, demanding that it remove lawful content from its platform: Government officials using … Read more

It’s Important to Counter Media-Driven ‘Assault Weapon’ Misinformation Whenever We Can

Reading the letters to the editor of mainstream media outlets is a great way to highlight the fact that a large portion of the population consumes and falls for fall for their narratives. This gets particularly sobering when you realize that many of these same people also vote. Case in point: someone named Tom Halfhill … Read more

Don’t Think an AR-15 Is a Good Home Defense Gun? Think Again

By National Association for Gun Rights Time and time again, gun-grabbers try to justify their calls for an AR-15 ban with one question: “Why on earth do you need an AR-15 for self-defense?” In March, Senator Chris Murphy came right out and said it on Twitter, that no one needs a semi-automatic rifle to defend … Read more

AR-15: The Right Firearm When Defending Against Multiple Home Invaders

On Sunday morning at about 4 a.m. in Glen St. Mary, Florida, a group of seven masked home invaders barged into a mobile home located on County Road 125. A shot was fired by one invader. Two of the home’s four occupants responded with armed force. One of the residents had an AR-15 style rifle. … Read more

Hey Piers Morgan! Here’s ANOTHER Defensive Gun Use With an AR-15

  “A fellow will remember a lot of things you wouldn’t think he’d remember. You take me. One day, back in 1896, I was crossing over to Jersey on the ferry, and as we pulled out, there was another ferry pulling in, and on it there was a girl waiting to get off. A white … Read more