Silencerco Jumps Into the Billet AR Lower Business With the New SCO15

If you’ve tried to buy an AR platform rifle or the components to build one lately, you know what the unprecedented demand for all things gun has done to the supply. Suppressor maker Silencerco is looking to fill some of that demand with the announcement of their new SCO15 AR lower. The SCO15 is made … Read more

How to Build an AR-15 Lower Receiver and Annoy the Gun Control Industry

The modular, easily customized AR-15 is everyone’s favorite “build your own” rifle. Nothing gives you more satisfaction than putting one together yourself (and simultaneously infuriates so many anti-gunners). Some, especially first-timers, will buy a parts kit that includes everything you need. You can pick one up for as little as $99. That’s a good idea, … Read more

Ask the FFL Mailbag: The ATF’s Backlog and Legally Dealing With AR Lowers

[ED: This is the third post of a new series. If you have a question for an experienced federal firearms licensee, send it to with ‘Ask the FFL’ in the subject field.] We got a few interesting questions from the fine readers in recent weeks. I wanted to dig into them and get you … Read more

Five Easy Ways to Make AR-15 Lower Receivers at Home

It’s still very much legal to build your own firearms for personal use at home. Lots of shooters enjoy the process and many also appreciate the fact that their firearm doesn’t appear in any record or database. If an AR-15 is on your build list, the normally serialized part of the rifle — the part … Read more