If an AR-15 Lower Isn’t a Firearm Under the Law, Why is a Semi-Auto Pistol Frame a Gun?

There has been much notice taken lately that judges are having a bit of trouble with the ATF’s interpretation of the law by which AR lower receivers are firearms in and of themselves. By itself, without an upper, the lower can’t discharge a round. You can insert a loaded magazine and pull the trigger all … Read more

How to Build an AR-15 Lower Receiver and Annoy the Gun Control Industry

The modular, easily customized AR-15 is everyone’s favorite “build your own” rifle. Nothing gives you more satisfaction than putting one together yourself (and simultaneously infuriates so many anti-gunners). Some, especially first-timers, will buy a parts kit that includes everything you need. You can pick one up for as little as $99. That’s a good idea, … Read more