Gear Review: Matador Arms Mag-X System for 9mm Pistol Caliber Carbines

With pistol caliber carbines being all the rage these days, it seems that GLOCK mags have firmly taken their place as a standard in the PCC world. But while they are widely available, affordable, and of high quality, not everyone is on the GLOCK magazine bandwagon. If you don’t own a GLOCK and want to … Read more

Matador Arms’ New Mag-X P320 Adapter for Pistol Caliber Carbines

Let’s say you carry a SIG P320. Let’s also say you have an AR-15 pattern pistol caliber carbine. Wouldn’t it be convenient to be able to use your P320 magazines in your PCC? It would certainly simplify your gear choices, letting you stock and carry one less style of magazine. Matador Arms, located in the … Read more