Avoid Rookie Mistakes: Be a Better AR-15 Rifle Shooter

A flexible, modular design and decades of robust sales have pushed the AR-15 to the top of long gun heap, making it America’s favorite rifle. But while it may look easy to operate, many novice users make a number of rookie mistakes with their AR platform rifle. In competitions, these mistakes can cause embarrassment. If … Read more

Understanding AR Platform Rifles: M16 vs. M4 vs. AR-15 – Guns For Beginners

By Brad Steenrod The AR platform has undergone many changes over the years, and it can be pretty confusing to the average gun-owner. The goal of this article is to help you keep it all straight. AR-15 vs. M16 vs. M4 – What’s the Difference? To understand the different types of AR platform rifles, you … Read more