Anti-Gun Group Wins Ruling Against ATF Ghost Gun “Loophole”

The anti-gun group Giffords, founded by former Congresswoman Gabby Giffords, following her recovery from being shot by a deranged gunman in Tucson, Arizona, in 2011, has won a court victory against what her organization sees as a loophole in the ATF’s ghost gun rules that allowed AR ghost gun parts to be treated differently than … Read more

New: The Rare Breed Triggers FRT-15 Forced Reset AR-15 Trigger

The new Rare Breed Triggers FRT-15 trigger for the AR platform allows very rapid semi-automatic fire from an AR-15 rifle. Watch the video above, which shows the trigger in action and explains how it works.   The TL;DR is that the FRT-15’s sear forces the trigger to reset with every shot even if you keep … Read more

Poll: Americans Concerned About Self-Defense, Oppose Weapons and Magazine Bans

By Larry Keane America’s rifle – the modern sporting rifle – is growing in popularity. That fact only follows logic, as lawful firearm ownership in America is on the rise through the COVID-19 pandemic and further propelled by heightened social unrest, uncertainty and acts of criminal violence. There are an estimated 2.5 million new gun owners in recent … Read more

The Truth About AR-15 Rifles

[Ed: Nick originally wrote this less than a week after the Sandy Hook shooting, but it’s still just as relevant today.] In the wake of recent events, it’s obvious and unfortunate that the vast majority of pundits have no idea what they’re talking about when it comes to guns. Especially with a firearm like the … Read more