Armed Pilot Stops Teen Attempting A Planejacking

Wouldn’t the world be a crazy place if a 15-year-old boy walked into an airport with an AR-style rifle, demanded an aircraft, then proceeded to the airfield to planejack one himself? Well, get out your straight jackets because that’s exactly the world we live in. Thankfully, the old adage about a good guy with a … Read more

ATF Likely to Dodge Accountability Bullet in Arkansas Shooting Death

It appears no one will be held criminally accountable for ATF’s botched March 19 raid, during which 53-year-old Little Rock airport executive Bryan Malinowski was shot and killed in his own home. The post-shooting investigation is as flawed as ATF’s choice of tactics, which caused the killing. Whenever a law enforcement officer kills someone, two … Read more

Arkansas AG Demands Answers, Bodycams from ATF’s Fatal Raid

Arkansas Attorney General Tim Griffin has serious questions for ATF officials about their botched March 19 SWAT team raid, which killed Little Rock Airport executive director, Bryan Malinowski, in his home. And if ATF has bodycam footage of the fatal raid, Griffin wants to see that, too. “As someone who couldn’t be a bigger law … Read more

Malinowski Family Attorneys Release Statement, Videos in BATF Killing of Bryan Malinowski

Local media continue their coverage of the BATF forcible entry raid that ultimately led to the death of Bryan Malinowski, a respected member of the Little Rock, Ark., community. Instead of picking up the Executive Director of the Little Rock Airport at work, the fine folks at F-Troop rolled up in 10 vehicles at oh-dark-thirty … Read more

Good Guy With A Gun Stops Would-Have-Been Mass Shooting In Its Tracks

Fort Smith, Arkansas (May 15, 2021) — a disturbed 26-year-old man with a semi-automatic rifle went on a brief rampage at an apartment complex. Standing on the common area lawn, he repeatedly, urgently yelled for residents to exit their apartments. Apparently worried that there was a valid emergency, Lois Hicks, 87, went outside. The gunman … Read more

Moms Demand Action Fail: Arkansas Becomes 35th ‘Stand Your Ground’ State

Legislators in Arkansas passed a “Stand Your Ground” law in recent weeks by an overwhelming margin, and Governor Asa Hutchinson has now signed the measure into law. “Stand Your Ground” policy removes a duty to retreat before a would-be victim can use deadly force to defend against the imminent threat of death or great bodily … Read more

New Mexico Pulls the Plug on Utah Concealed Carry Reciprocity. Here’s Why . . .

After the MORE button: the official press release from the New Mexico Department of Public Safety re: the termination of The Land of Enchantment’s concealed carry reciprocity agreement with Utah. Let me save you some reading-between-the-lines time. Firearms trainers from Utah (and Florida) have fanned out across the country, offering concealed carry courses to non-residents (including states without reciprocity, like New York). At the end of the four-hour-ish instruction, the educators give qualified attendees the magic piece of paper: a Utah concealed carry permit. They’re then good to stow in 17—sorry, 16—states: Arizona, Arkansas, Delaware, Idaho, Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Vermont and Wyoming. What’s wrong with that? As far as I’m concerned, nothing. But Utah’s freelancers are taking food off the table of firearms instructors in New Mexico, who argue that the roving Utah instructors’ standards are below New Mexico’s. Really? TTAG will call New Mexico DPS on Monday to ferret out their exact justification. Much merriment is sure to ensue.