Personal Defense Chronicles: Vape Shop Clerk Shoots Two of Three Armed Robbers, Killing One

Three masked thugs stormed into Blackhawk Tobacco and Vape Shop in Rock Island, Illinois last week. It was the third armed robbery for the store in the past few months. This time, though, a gun near the cash register leveled the playing field. The clerk saw an opportunity to access the gun, and he came … Read more

POOR VICTIM SELECTION: Armed Robbers Pick the Wrong Church’s Chicken As CCW Shoots Both, One Fatally

Maybe the two armed robbers at a Port Arthur, Texas Church’s Chicken thought the chain’s tasty Wild Berry Cobbler was to die for, as they old expression goes. Instead of buying one, they tried something more unconventional (not to mention illegal); armed robbery. In the end one of them ended up buying it. It all … Read more