Uvalde Proves, Once and for All, That At Least Some Teachers and Staff In Every School Must Be Armed

After a high profile shooting like the massacre at the elementary school in Uvalde, Texas, it’s not uncommon for a lot of bad information to come out in the media and even from investigators who don’t yet have a handle on what happened. That’s why we usually add warnings to our initial reports when these … Read more

Sheriff Says Armed Staff Could Have Stopped Parkland Killer

Pinellas County Sheriff Bob Gualtieri has no great love for civilians with guns. In fact, at one time, he threatened to shoot first and ask questions later when it came to concealed carry licensees. So imagine the surprise when he says armed staff could have taken down the Parkland high school killer. In fact, Gualtieri … Read more

More States Allowing Armed School Staff

It took almost thirty years to enact at least some form of concealed carry in every state in the nation. Of course, even with carry laws, most states designated their schools so-called “gun-free” zones. Over the last few years though, measures allowing licensed and trained good guys to carry in schools have expanded greatly. In … Read more