A Liberal Jew Struggles With a New World (and World View) Where Armed Self-Defense is Suddenly the Sensible Option

…I didn’t enjoy myself. I didn’t say “yes,” when [my friend] Kedem asked me afterward, “Wasn’t that fun?” I didn’t feel powerful or godly or safe, and no matter how dire the situation we Jews may be in, I still can’t picture going through the process of buying a gun. I thought of the literary … Read more

Practical Lessons From Videos of the Hamas Attacks on Israel

Having taken graduate-level courses in emergency management and homeland security, watching people argue online about the Hamas attack on Israel and the Israeli response can be maddening. Instead of embracing the complexity and trying to pick out what useful lessons they can, the talking heads and their flying monkeys seem to be looking for ways … Read more

Long March: The Gun Control Industry’s Never-Ending Push for Civilian Disarmament

By Miguel A. Faria, MD For many years, the federal government has arrogated more power to itself at the expense of the individual states, including policing actions that should fall within the jurisdiction of state courts and not the federal judiciary. Likewise, federal government intrusion into every aspect of the lives of Americans continues to … Read more

Glenn Beck Boils Down the Anti-Gun Left’s Arguments on Gun Ownership and Firearm Exports

GLENN: Dateline Washington. The Commerce Department is halting exports of most US-made firearms for 90 days, and reviewing its support of the country’s biggest gun trade show to ensure such backing does not undermine US policy interests. Steps that could slow two decades of growth of gun sales abroad. We go to Stu…Burguiere. Our analyst … Read more

Better Angels of our Nature: Of Love, Gun Control and Armed Self Defense

By Rob Morse I hope you’ve fallen in love at some point. It’s an exciting time when your new partner is simply beautiful and the world is full of possibilities. Eventually, the honeymoon ends and you find out that all relationships take work. When you begin to see you see your partner’s flaws, you wonder … Read more

Florida Sheriff: If Someone Points a Gun At You and Cocks It, You Can Shoot Them

Last week, a Florida Man — the good kind — rode to the rescue of his 24-year-old sister as her ex-boyfriend was physically abusing her. The ex-boyfriend had broken down the sister’s door, stormed inside like the big bad wolf, and beat the hell out of her. Shortly afterwards, the brother showed up and confronted … Read more

Why Aren’t the Killers in City Hall Ever Arrested, Charged, and Prosecuted?

By Rob Morse Suppose a criminal commits a crime a gun. Go a step further and suppose he does something truly awful and shoots several people in the process. If you’re an anti-gun politician, the obvious conclusion is it’s now time to disarm your gun-owning neighbors. Do elected anti-gun zealots care that implementing their bigoted … Read more

In Praise of Robert A. Waters – Scholar, Defender of Freedom, and Chronicler of Armed Self-Defense

By Miguel Faria, Jr., MD Robert A. Waters is author of several eloquent and brilliant books chronicling true crime stories that demonstrate how citizens have protected themselves — friends, family, and innocent people, not to mention police officers — with firearms. He’s been a defender of freedom and the right to self-defense, par excellence. As … Read more

Schlichter: The Left Is Working to Criminalize Normal People and Normalize Criminals

There’s a war going on against our sacred right to self-defense, and we need to defend that right, ruthlessly and vigorously against the communists who want us living in fear. And they do want us living in fear – sheep are easier to shear than sheepdogs. If you look what happened in New York City, … Read more