We’re Bringing Back The ‘Ask TTAG’ Posts With Josh Wayner

It has been quite some time since we ran the popular, informative, and witty ‘Ask Foghorn’ posts here on TTAG. Those posts informed the armed intelligentsia and kept them saturated in both arms and intelligence. Well, I’m happy to say that it will be yours truly that will be taking your questions going forward and … Read more

Ask Foghorn: What is Short Stroking?

A reader writes:

Could someone like CUJO please define for me the phrase “short stroking?” Does it have anything to do with shotguns?

Unlike the Urban Definition version of this phrase, “short stroking” a firearm is a serious malfunction with a number of causes. Luckily, I’ve had some recent firsthand experience diagnosing and fixing this issue, so let’s jump right in.

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Ask Foghorn: Competition Iron Sights

A reader writes:

A commenter on Foghorn’s $500 1000 yd rifle linked to a rifleman’s journal post, which in turn linked to a couple sight manufacturers. I’ve seen giant, weird-looking sights on competition rifles before, but don’t konw how they work. They’re unmagnified, no? Anyway, “Dear Foghorn, tell me  bout these neat sights!”

In my opinion, if something looks goofy or ugly on a gun then there are only two reasons that the shooter hasn’t realized his faux pas and removed it: either it was ridiculously cheap (like Tapco stuff) or it works really, really well. Competition iron sights are most definitely in the latter category. Here’s how they work.

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Ask Foghorn: Trigger Terminology

A reader writes:

“trigger’s a bit gritty and prone to stacking” Educate me, please. What is stacking?

One of the major problems with talking about guns is that you’re often trying to convey a feeling with words. Having a common lexicon (standard set of words with known definitions) helps, but only if you’re “in the know.” We went over some of these terms in the first ever Ask Foghorn installment, but today’s Ask Foghorn will try to hit them all. If there’s one I missed (or, more likely, one I got wrong) shoot me an email and I’ll add it to the list or fix it.

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Ask Foghorn: What Makes a Good Trigger?

Our fearless leader received an email from one of our readers.

“It seems people are always complaining about this trigger or that, or talking up the smooth-as-butter qualities of some high-end revolver they’ve just acquired. I claim almost no idea of what to look for in a trigger, and what idea I can claim comes mostly from reading others wax rhapsodic (or vitriolic) about triggers they’ve known and loved (or didn’t). I’d love to see some relatively clue-ful TTAGer ‘splain it all to me.”

RF has nominated me as our resident relative clue-ful gun guy. And so a series is born, starting with a little beginnner’s trigger talk . . .

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