The NFA and the ATF’s eForms System – What You Need to Know

From the NRA-ILA On December 23, ATF launched a new system for applicants to complete various forms that ATF is responsible for administrating. For most gun owners, this change will primarily impact how applications for firearms regulated under the National Firearms Act (“NFA”) are processed. Anyone who has submitted an NFA application in recent years … Read more

The ATF’s Interpretation of the National Firearms Act is an Absurd Anachronism

[T]he NFA’s minimum size rules (and the ATF’s interpretations thereof) are an absurd anachronism. Those restrictions originated in a time when Congress thought it could effectively ban all small, concealable firearms, including handguns, and minimum size rules for rifles and shotguns would have been necessary to close an obvious loophole. But even in 1934, exempting … Read more