Sparks Fly at House Judiciary Committee Hearing on ATF Gun Regulation

There were fireworks at a Congressional hearing covering a critical topic not just to the firearm industry and Second Amendment supporters, but to all Americans. It wasn’t entirely unexpected. The U.S. House Subcommittee on Crime and Federal Government Surveillance’s hearing titled, “ATF’s Assault on the Second Amendment: When is Enough Enough?” posed a simple question. Who writes … Read more

Why the Supreme Court’s EPA Ruling Has Politicians and Gun Control Advocates Worried

A recent U.S. Supreme Court ruling limiting the authority for the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) ability to write their own rules without clear congressional authorization that Congress intended to delegate to the EPA could also upend rules published or pending from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF). The Supreme Court struck down … Read more

Where Will You Wear Your ATF Branded Gear?

The ATF Store is now open! The official site for ATF merchandise & apparel. 🔗 A portion of all sales support the blind & visually impaired. — ATF New York (@ATFNewYork) April 13, 2021 We ran across this announcement from the ATF’s New York office touting the opening of the federal gun regulator’s fabulous … Read more

TNR: The ‘Beleaguered’ ATF Is the Anti-Gun Weapon America Needs

The ATF raided a major ghost-gun company this month after determining that it hadn’t been complying with federal law. Rumors have circulated on gun-industry sites that the Biden administration intends to tackle both pistol braces and ghost guns. The administration has not confirmed those rumors, though ghost guns do figure prominently in Biden’s gun violence plan. While almost everything associated … Read more

Did the Ghost of Gun Control Past, Present and Future Visit the ATF Last Night?

Your guess is as good as ours. But who knows? Maybe the ghosts of gun control past, present and future made a real impression on our hyper-regulatory friends at the ATF last night. As old Ebenezer found out for himself, the spirits can do what they want. There’s always hope for a little Christmas redemption, … Read more

80 Percent Arms: The ATF Raid on Polymer80 is the Opening Salvo in a War on the 80% Market

ED: Yesterday the ATF raided Polymer80, the Nevada-based seller of 80% lowers, pistol frames, gun parts and kits. Another big name in the space, 80 Percent Arms, has more than a passing interest in what just happened to their competitor. They’ve given TTAG the following statement regarding the ATF’s actions yesterday.  We were reminded today … Read more

Confirmed: ATF Brass Recommended Targeting Braces, 80% Lowers Under a Biden Administration

Yesterday, John Crump published a report at regarding a recent conference call between the ATF’s top brass and the “Biden transition team.” To be clear, no matter what you may read in the media, Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. is not yet the president-elect. At least not yet. None of the 50 states have certified … Read more

Calm Down, the ATF Has Not Ruled That Your AR or AK Pistol is an NFA Regulated Item

If you spend time watching YouTube videos and trolling the gunosphere, you may have run across some videos and other posts announcing that the ATF has now considers any braced AR or AK pistol to be “any other weapon” and is therefore regulated under the National Firearms Act, with all of the paperwork and taxes … Read more

Florida Gun Shop Owner Bans Wearing Masks In His Store [VIDEO]

This is TTAG’s weekly roundup of legal and legislative news affecting guns, the gun business and gun owners’ rights. For another look at the topics discussed here, check out this week in gun rights at FPC.  Matt Gaetz and the gun community call out ATF for possible brace ban If you’ve spent any time on social … Read more