ATF Agent Caught Smuggling Guns Into Mexico…Again

Maybe you thought that Fast and Furious, the Obama administration ATF operation that moved guns across the border into Mexico, was a thing of the distant past. Apparently not. Fast and Furious was reportedly shut down by the Obama Justice Department in 2011 when the whole disaster spilled into public view and resulted in deaths … Read more

ATF Taking Down Retail Gun Sellers, One FFL at a Time

By Lee Williams The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives isn’t regulating the firearms industry as required by statute. The ATF is choking the life out of it – tearing it down, one gun dealer at a time.  Before Joe Biden declared war on gun dealers, ATF inspectors used a five-percent rule. If less … Read more

Internal ATF Document: Americans Who Build Their Own Guns Are Terrorists, Criminals and Violent Extremists

By Lee Williams If there is any federal agency that can be counted on to create a problem just to justify their own existence, it’s certainly the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. When it comes to overhyping the next “threat” to the homeland – regardless of the facts – the ATF seldom disappoints. … Read more