Oh NOW the ATF Thinks Running Guns to the Mexican Cartels is a Bad Idea

By Lee Williams Isaac Hernandez, a 25-year-old American citizen who had been living in Mexico, will spend the next six years in a federal prison contemplating the errors of his ways. On July 11, 2022, Hernandez was stopped while traveling southbound on I-35 heading toward the Laredo, Texas Port of Entry. Officials found 17 handguns … Read more

Internal ATF Document: Americans Who Build Their Own Guns Are Terrorists, Criminals and Violent Extremists

By Lee Williams If there is any federal agency that can be counted on to create a problem just to justify their own existence, it’s certainly the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. When it comes to overhyping the next “threat” to the homeland – regardless of the facts – the ATF seldom disappoints. … Read more

The Who, What, When, Why, and How of the ATF

You know, here at TTAG, we treat the ATF with the same reverence and respect that we used to treat GM back in the early days of TTAC. Which is to say “with none,” or to be a little more prosaic, we have all the enthusiasm for the behavior of the ATF that we’d have … Read more