You’d think (if you go by perception rather than reality) that Texas would have the most unrestrictive gun laws in the nation. And you’d be wrong. But there are those who keep trying to fix this, one bill at a time. Witness the tireless efforts of one Texas State Senator Jeff Wentworth (R – San Antonio) who authored a bill to allow those who hold a Concealed Handgun License to carry on Texas college campuses. The bill, which was unable to muster enough votes to get reported out of committee, looked as if it was D.O.A. But that was apparently just what (almost) everyone thought. The rest of the story offers the intrigue of the Borgias, the Machieavelian machinations of De Medicis, and the comic stylings of S. Baldrick from BBC TV’s Blackadder.
Armed Rideshare Drivers May Be An Option Soon For Texans
As the cost of personal vehicle ownership continues to rise and people worldwide celebrate the convenience of rideshare services like Uber and Lyft, a small company based out of Atlanta, Georgia, plans to open shop in Texas, offering customers armed drivers to get them to their destination. While the most popular rideshare applications like Uber … Read more