Armed Rideshare Drivers May Be An Option Soon For Texans

As the cost of personal vehicle ownership continues to rise and people worldwide celebrate the convenience of rideshare services like Uber and Lyft, a small company based out of Atlanta, Georgia, plans to open shop in Texas, offering customers armed drivers to get them to their destination. While the most popular rideshare applications like Uber … Read more

Machete-Wielding Intruder Confronted By Texas Homeowner At Gunpoint

A machete-wielding intruder had second thoughts when he found himself staring down the business end of a Texas homeowner’s 9mm handgun. The confrontation happened around 5 p.m. on August 21. Liberty Hill homeowner, Darryl Stevens, caught the intruder on camera attempting to break into his home, Fox 7 Austin is reporting.  Stevens and a contractor … Read more

Chicago ‘Affordable Bail’ Suspect Tried To Lure Cops Into an Ambush

Given what happened in Boulder, Colorado yesterday, most folks probably missed a very similar case that took place in Chicago over the weekend. Tracey Thomas, 29, reportedly told police investigators that he wanted to lure CPD officers into an ambush and kill as many cops as possible. Fortunately the suspect, his junky little Lorcin .380, … Read more

Austin’s Mayor: Saturday’s Shooting Shows We Have Too Many Guns in Austin

As you’ve no doubt heard by now, all of the experts who did their own audio analysis of the shooting in Austin Saturday night were wrong. The first five shots heard on the video were, according to Austin’s police chief, fired by the driver. Once in police custody, he claimed that, as protesters were banging … Read more

The Violent Left Says They Want a Civil War: Antifa Forming A ‘Red Army’

A year ago, I wrote about the left’s civil war heating up in America. Since then, Antifa and company continue their armed marches against freedom and liberty. Initially, Antifa groups got away scot-free, beating Trump supporters bloody while, of course, calling them fascists and Nazis. More recently though, Antifa’s masked thugs have been the ones suffering … Read more

Porn Star Surrenders Her Shotgun to Austin Police In Virtue Signaling Stunt

“Celebrities” will do the darnedest things to virtue signal for a little love from their low-information fanbases (and get their names mentioned again). Retired porn star Mia Khalifa sought fifteen more minutes of fame yesterday with the help of the Austin, Texas Police Department. Following the Santa Fe High School shooting, she very publicly surrendered … Read more

Texas School Carry: “I have a cunning plan…”

You’d think (if you go by perception rather than reality) that Texas would have the most unrestrictive gun laws in the nation. And you’d be wrong. But there are those who keep trying to fix this, one bill at a time. Witness the tireless efforts of one Texas State Senator Jeff Wentworth (R – San Antonio) who authored a bill to allow those who hold a Concealed Handgun License to carry on Texas college campuses. The bill, which was unable to muster enough votes to get reported out of committee, looked as if it was D.O.A. But that was apparently just what (almost) everyone thought. The rest of the story offers the intrigue of the Borgias, the Machieavelian machinations of De Medicis, and the comic stylings of S. Baldrick from BBC TV’s Blackadder.

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Austin Police Raid Basement – I Mean Bunker

Is Jose Del Rio of East Austin, Texas, a heroic defender of the Second Amendment or paranoid schizophrenic? His neighbors thought the 70-year-old wildcatter was a nuisance for building a multilevel “basement” under his 586 square foot castle. Complaints led to a search warrant and a sweep of the property by a police SWAT team, bomb squad and fire department search and rescue personnel. Who discovered…

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