Weingarten: We Must Repeal the Second Amendment and Disarm Americans

Teachers union boss @rweingarten calls for repealing the 2nd Amendment & enacting a total ban on private gun ownership: “How many lives will be shattered before we have the courage to do what Scotland did, what Australia did, what New Zealand did?” pic.twitter.com/owwhKQojeD — Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) March 28, 2023 It’s an epidemic that our … Read more

Bait and Switch: Fact Checking Australia’s Gun Laws And Crime Statistics

Politi-Fake is still at it, debunking a claim that homicides increased after Australia post-Port Arthur Massacre ban Viral post is wrong about Australia’s gun laws, violent crime statistics The post inaccurately says that one year after the buyback, homicides went up 6.2%, assaults went up 9.6% and armed robberies went up 44%. It also says … Read more

New Zealand Gun Owners Choose Not to Comply With Firearms Confiscation Law

Law abiding gun owners don’t appreciate being made to pay for the sins of a few unstable, crazy individuals. Particularly those who openly state that their intent is to bring about more gun control and limits on the right to keep and bear arms. As the Christchurch mosque shooter wrote in his 74-page rambling manifesto, … Read more