Defunding the Police is an Increasingly Difficult Argument to Make

  The country experienced a record homicide spike in 2020, with cities like New York and Los Angeles reporting historic year-over-year surges — still well below the record murder rates of the ‘80s and ‘90s, but enough to stoke fears nationwide. Political support for defunding law enforcement has withered in many places, the gains earned … Read more

Following the Sock Puppets, Fleeing From the Wolves and Facing Father Pfleger – TTAG Daily Digest

Even if you like guns, Utah Gun Exchange’s tactics against March for Our Lives is a poor strategy Quick, someone call the waaaambulance . . . As my colleague Taylor Anderson reported this week, the Utah Gun Exchange has taken to following the survivors of the Parkland, Fla., shooting around the country in their armored … Read more

Baltimore PD Commish: “I’ve seen bigger tables. I’ve seen smaller tables. I’ve seen more guns.”

There are, in fact, 76 seized guns in the big parade. According to the, Baltimore police confiscated all the weapons on display during the last ten days, swelling their illegal arms cache to 1,164 weapons. So far this year. All the usual suspects attended the pop-po’s annual illegal gun show-and-tell: Police Commissioner Frederick H. Bealefeld III, Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake, Maryland U.S. Attorney Rod J. Rosenstein and the unidentified local head of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco Firearms and Explosives. At some point in the pistol and pony show, Bealefield Three Sticks forgot to mouth the party line . . .

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