Trump Eyeing Masters for ATF Top Job While Dettelbach Defends His Record

President-elect Donald Trump has signaled a shakeup at the ATF, pledging to replace current Director Steve Dettelbach on his first day in office. While Dettelbach defends his record of reducing violent crime and modernizing gun regulations, speculation about his replacement has ignited debate within Second Amendment circles. Blake Masters Emerges as a Controversial Candidate According … Read more

Supreme Court Overturns Chevron Doctrine Limiting Federal Agencies’ Regulatory Power

In a landmark decision on Friday, the Supreme Court overturned the 40-year-old Chevron v. National Resources Defense Council ruling, which had granted federal agencies broad regulatory authority. This move upends the agencies’ ability to issue regulations unless Congress has explicitly authorized them to do so. The decision represents a substantial victory for conservatives, who have … Read more

Uh Oh…What’s in the Box?

As Detective Mills once wondered aloud without really wanting to know…what’s in the box? I was told it would be something that I’d love and hate to have…both at the same time. My good friends at Red Hills Arms in Tallahassee told me about it when they got it as part of a batch if … Read more

ATF Agents Attempt ‘Solvent Trap’ Confiscation, Man Tells Them To Get a Warrant [VIDEO]

The boys from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, Explosives and really big fires have grown increasingly busy in recent weeks. If they’re not running down legitimate gun owners while fishing for straw purchasers, then they’re trying to intimidate people into surrendering forced reset triggers. Now they’re hitting the pavement hectoring people about (formerly legal) … Read more

Capitalism Always Wins: Don’t Look Now, But Here Comes the COLD FINGER ‘Bumpfire’ Device

Leave it to American ingenuity to fill market demand for a useful product. As you no doubt know, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, Explosives and Really Big Fires, at the direction of the Trump administration, arbitrarily banned so-called “bumpstocks” a couple of years ago. Now a new company has a new solution designed to … Read more

Updated ATF eForms Service Will Include User ‘Rules of Behavior’

In an email sent, presumably, to all active FFLs on Friday afternoon (Dec 10), the ATF provided some updates regarding its eForms service. As y’all know, eForm 4s are returning this month, which is great news for anyone looking to purchase an NFA item such as a silencer or SBR! But the update to ATF … Read more

Weekend Photo Caption Contest: Win a Magic ATF Ball!

As we mentioned last week, we’re bringing back the weekend photo caption contests to give away a few of MAF’s fun and oh-so-useful Magic ATF Balls. Gaze at the photo above, put your gray matter to work and enter the most creative captions you can come up in the comments by midnight on Sunday to … Read more

Where Will You Wear Your ATF Branded Gear?

The ATF Store is now open! The official site for ATF merchandise & apparel. 🔗 A portion of all sales support the blind & visually impaired. — ATF New York (@ATFNewYork) April 13, 2021 We ran across this announcement from the ATF’s New York office touting the opening of the federal gun regulator’s fabulous … Read more

Is Homeland Security Cracking Down On 3-D Printing?

Some odd documents are circulating on the Internet which purport to show that the Department of Homeland Security wants to combat “illegal -D printing,” whatever that is, because making firearms for one’s own use is generally lawful and always has been in America. One reads . . . Combined classified BATFE and NSA data efforts … Read more