Vermont Anti-Second Amendment Bills DOA

In the state of Vermont, March 14 is considered Crossover Day, and despite being the home of Bernie Sanders, this doesn’t mean what you’re thinking, but I can’t blame you for going there. Instead, the name refers to a crossover deadline in the Vermont legislature when bills that fail to advance out of their chamber … Read more

Biden Would Make Beto O’Rourke His Administration’s Gun Control Czar [VIDEO]

Robert Francis O’Rourke has joined his fellow establishment Democrats in endorsing Creepy Joe Biden in his race for the Democrat nomination. “Beto” appeared with Uncle Joe last night at a rally in Dallas to pledge his support for the aging, often confused candidate. In return Biden promised to give the unemployed former Congressman a job … Read more

Bernie is Either Ignorant, Uninformed, or Lying About Gun Laws in the U.S.

By Larry Keane Presidential contender U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders is either straight-out lying, ignorant or seriously uninformed about gun laws in the United States. None of these is a viable qualification to set policy on America’s right to keep and bear arms. Sen. Sanders (I-Vt.) answered questions at a CNN town hall event just prior to the … Read more

Biden on America’s Lax Gun Laws: Firearms Have Killed 150 Million People Since 2007

.@JoeBiden: “150 million people have been killed since 2007” by guns. * the entire population of the U.S. was 329.45 million last year, according to a @uscensusbureau estimate. — Kenneth P. Vogel (@kenvogel) February 26, 2020 By CCRKBA Former Vice President Joe Biden is widely known for his gaffes, but his claim during Tuesday … Read more

Bernie Sanders Pushes Gun Control With Long Ago Debunked ‘Gun Show Loophole’ Statistic

From the CCRKBA . . . Targeting what it calls “harmfully misleading” information, Twitter has identified a tweet from presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders that shows he was all wet when he claimed 40 percent of gun sales in the U.S. didn’t include a background check, so the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep … Read more

Bernie Sanders’ Views on Guns Have Evolved Over the Years

Bernie Sanders used to have remarkably moderate views on guns. After all, he represents Vermont, a constitutional carry state where gun rights are highly valued. But as the independent socialist sought the Democrats’ nomination for president in 2016 and now in 2020, he’s had to adjust his views on gun rights to fall in line … Read more

The Same People Who Can’t Count Votes Want National Gun Registration and Licensing

By Larry Keane Monday night’s Iowa Democratic Caucus has gone off about as smoothly as a sheet of 24-grit sandpaper. Only 71 percent of results were initially reported nearly two days after the caucuses were held and there are still very few concrete answers, mostly questions remain. South Bend’s former Mayor Pete Buttigieg appears to be holding … Read more

Gun Companies Ready to Increase Production as Election Season Heat is Turned Up

“Under the current Republican-dominated political narrative, gun enthusiasts have not engaged in nearly as much panic buying as they did in previous cycles, following mass shootings or in the aftermath of heightened Democrat party rhetoric on tightening gun ownership laws,” analyst Scott Stember said in a note. “While the lion’s share of industry players prefer … Read more

Sanders Staffer Wants an AK-47 (and Matching Tattoo) to Subjugate Those Who Don’t Support Bernie

Last week, Project Veritas released a series of undercover videos showing Kyle Jurek, a paid staffer for the Bernie Sanders campaign in Iowa, calling for the creation of gulags and violence against Trump supporters – and by extension gun owners – and some Democrats. Now this week, another paid Bernie staffer has called for more … Read more