4 Factors You Need to Consider When Buying a Concealed Carry Handgun

By Tim Carroll What gun should I carry for self-defense? That’s a question that’s been asked more times than I can count during my professional training career and more often in recent years. The answer is, well…complicated. 1. Stopping Power First we need to look at one of the most important aspects of carrying a … Read more

How to Give Good Advice When You’re Asked About Guns

By Paul Markel Just like clockwork, when people who don’t own or carry guns are faced with the reality that we live in a dangerous, uncertain world, they look to their “gun friends” for advice. Sometimes this is a personal situation. They’ve been robbed, assaulted, threatened, etc. and they seek out advice from someone they … Read more

Gun Review: GLOCK 43X 9mm Pistol

When the GLOCK 43X was released at SHOT Show in January of 2019, many of the first reactions were, well, lukewarm. The SIG P365 had already energized the concealed carry market and now GLOCK was playing catch-up. How times can you release another altered version of the same tried-and-true formula before people stop getting excited? … Read more

When it Comes to Choosing Your Carry Gun and Ammo, Remember What’s Really Important

Even more inexplicable are the shooters who choose the Thor-Hammer 147-grain over the competing loads from FreedomFist and ‘MurricaHeckYeah because, according to the data on the box flap, it’s 30 fps faster at the muzzle. I don’t mean to be the bearer of bad tidings, but those box-flap numbers come from a test barrel at … Read more

How I Ended My Search for the Perfect Everyday Carry Pistol

Remember the old “In Search of…” TV show with the late Leonard Nimoy? It didn’t matter what it was they were in search of, you were certain to end up with an ambiguous ending after getting sucked into watching the show (and the countless commercial messages in-between segments). Finding the perfect every-day carry can be … Read more

The Concealed Carry Lifestyle for Beginners

By Jeff Lynch I’ve always been a staunch conservative and firm supporter in our nation’s Constitution, a document that continues to govern our people through Democrat and Republican administrations alike. I am and always will be a strong and vocal supporter of our Second Amendment rights. Our Founding Fathers chose the words “shall not be … Read more

The 3 Most Popular Concealed Carry Guns I Sell

With concealed carry legal in most of free parts of the country and more and more options for concealed carry pistols out there – we’re selling more small concealable firearms than ever. Here’s a rundown of a few of the guns we sell the most and what’s driving consumers to buy them. SIG SAUER P365 … Read more

7 Great Single Stack 9mm Pistols For Concealed Carry

The single-stack 9mm pistol format is one of the most popular segments of the handgun market these days, but where is a person to start? Which one should you choose? Which is the best and for what purpose? Obviously, concealed carry is mostly the purpose as the handgun market is heavily weighted towards handguns that … Read more