Savior Equipment Apollo Ear Protection – Review

Savior Equipment Apollo

I don’t envy newer manufacturers trying to break into a crowded market space, especially one with an established, long-term market leader. Scopes, AR-15s, and, yes, ear protection. So when I say in the intro that the Savior Equipment Apollo ear protection is worth your time to read about (and your money to buy), it’s because … Read more

8 Solid Christmas Gift Ideas For the Shooters On Your List

Merry Cyber Monday. There’s still time left and there’s a lot of gear that shooters want, but just never seem to get around to getting for themselves. Christmas, of course, is a fantastic time to give them that gift that will help them on their quest for TOTAL RANGE DOMINATION. There are many more awesome … Read more

8 Outstanding Gifts For Concealed Carry

Want to stuff somebody’s stocking who concealed carries? Put something they’ll love under the tree? There’s plenty of absolutely great gear out there, and some that lots that will fit almost any budget. While the obvious seem to be guns or ammo, not every state is friendly towards that. So we’ll mostly stick to awesome … Read more