Poor Ol’ Joe: Biden Is Learning the Gun Control Industry Will Simply Never Be Satisfied

In a letter to Biden first obtained by POLITICO, the [gun control] groups are heating up the pressure campaign ahead of the president’s State of the Union address next week. The coalition of 117 organizations also called for a series of executive actions and for the White House to detail how it plans to implement … Read more

SAF’s FOIA Request Seeks to Expose Coordination Between the White House and Anti-Gun Groups

It’s increasingly clear that Joe Biden has a ring in his nose and is led around by those who really pull the strings in his administration. To further expose this, the Second Amendment Foundation’s Investigative Journalism Project filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request on the Biden administration seeking to bring to light hidden … Read more

Biden’s Budget is Another Sop to Gun Control Groups That Will Never be Satisfied

President Joe Biden is caught on the horns of a dilemma. He’s attempting to placate a stubborn and loud national gun control movement that buoyed his presidential campaign and that continues to yell “Do more!” while seeing their influence and relevance evaporate. Countering that is the rest of America. By the millions they’ve rejected the … Read more

The Gun Control Industry Is Spending Bigly, But What Are They Buying?

By Larry Keane Gun control groups are spending not just big, but “bigly.” Open Secrets’ Krystal Hur reported that “Spending on gun control lobbying surged about 21 percent from January through March, compared with the same period in 2020, to $630,000. Everytown for Gun Safety, a nonprofit largely funded and co-launched by former New York Mayor Michael … Read more

The Second Amendment: When Government Tries to Ration our Rights

By Larry Keane President-elect Joe Biden had a rare moment of clarity when it comes to gun control. He’s got a really big obstacle, called the Constitution. The president-elect spoke with civil rights leaders in a virtual meeting. An unknown individual recorded the session and the media got a hold of it. What President-elect Biden … Read more