It’s Finally Here – Now is the Time to #GUNVOTE

By Larry Keane Election day is less than a week away. This is the time to ensure the #GUNVOTE is heard at the ballot box. More than 70 million Americans have already cast their ballot through early or mail-in voting. Campaign advertising is blanketing the airwaves and special interest groups, including gun control billionaire Michael Bloomberg, are pouring last-minute millions to … Read more

Existential Threat: Gun Rights and the Biden/Harris Agenda

By Alan M. Rice Joe Biden has been running for president for 32 years. Longtime advocates of the right to bear arms may remember that Joe Biden has run twice before, in 1988 and 2008. And if he is elected this year, he will be 78 years old on inauguration day – making him the … Read more

#GUNVOTE: As November Nears, Voters Who Value Gun Rights Critical to 2020 Election Outcome

By Larry Keane The national election is less than 80 days away. Millions of voters will head to the polls in November and cast their vote for candidates at the local, state and federal level, including for the President of the United States. Many will vote for candidates based on new firsthand knowledge regarding the critical importance … Read more

Biden Chooses Kamala Harris as His Gun Control Partner, Creating the Most Anti-Gun Ticket in History

By Larry Keane Americans’ Second Amendment rights will be front and center in the November election as 2020 presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden made it official, announcing U.S. Senator Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) as his running mate. The pick means Democrats will nominate one of the most anti-gun presidential tickets in modern history, placing Sen. Harris a heartbeat … Read more