Hunter Biden Could Go to Jail Because of an Arbitrary Law His Father Supports That’s Rarely Enforced

Without the diversion agreement, [Special Counsel David] Weiss is free to prosecute [Hunter] Biden on the gun charge as well as the tax charges. That will raise a constitutional issue, since the gun charge is based on a statute that arbitrarily strips peaceful Americans of their Second Amendment rights based on their choice of politically disfavored … Read more

US District Judge Buys Biden’s Justification for Continuing Marijuana Ban for Gun Owners

President Joe Biden, who recently issued a mass pardon for low-level marijuana offenders, says cannabis consumption should not be treated as a crime. His administration nevertheless defends the federal ban on gun possession by marijuana users, arguing that Second Amendment rights are limited to “law-abiding citizens.” Last week, a federal judge agreed, dismissing a challenge to that rule by medical marijuana patients in … Read more