After Arming Terrorists in Afghanistan, Biden Moves to Disarm Law-Abiding Americans

By Lee Williams Among the $80 billion worth of high-tech weaponry Joe Biden gifted to the Taliban after his inept and deadly Afghanistan withdraw were 176 artillery pieces, 64,363 belt-fed machine guns, 126,295 handguns and of course 358,530 select-fire assault weapons – real assault weapons. Most of the assault rifles were equipped with high-end optics. … Read more

Joe Biden Arms the Taliban While Banning Ammunition for Americans

From Gun Owners of America . . . Aidan Johnston, Director of Federal Affairs for Gun Owners of America (GOA), released the following statement today: The Biden Administration’s failure to competently draw down American forces in Afghanistan has allowed the Taliban to acquire nearly 600,000 American weapons. But instead of triaging the catastrophe, and bringing … Read more

The Taliban and Joe Biden Agree – Civilians Don’t Need to Own Firearms

By Lee Williams On Monday throughout Kabul, teams of Taliban terrorists started going door-to-door searching for our former allies, young girls and, of course, personally owned firearms. Our allies were disappeared. Their fate was sealed. Some have been shot, hung and beaten to death. Their bodies usually turn up on a dusty road several days … Read more

Biden May Have Armed the Taliban, But He Still Wants to Take Your AR-15

By Larry Keane The devastating visuals of Taliban fighters sweeping through Afghanistan that led to the fall of the Afghan government and evacuation of the U.S. Embassy revealed a disturbing reality. President Joe Biden was willing to leave billions of dollars’ worth of high-tech weapons in the hands of the Taliban but is determined to … Read more